Pension Plan Summary Plan Description

2.1 Board of Trustees is Plan Administrator

The Plan is administered by a Board of Trustees (Board) consisting of an equal number of individual trustees (Trustees) representing both labor and management. The Employer Trustees are selected by the San Francisco Electrical Contractors Association and the Union Trustees are selected by IBEW Local 6. The current Trustees, including alternate Trustees, are listed on the page following the cover.

Any questions about the Plan and your benefits should be directed to:

Board of Trustees
Northern California Electrical Workers Pension Plan
720 Market Street, Suite 700
San Francisco, CA 94102-2509

The Board has many powers and functions including the power to adopt administrative rules, interpret Plan documents, amend the Plan, decide policy questions, invest Plan assets and appoint advisors and consultants such as an auditor and investment manager.

Only the Board has discretionary authority to determine eligibility and benefit amounts, decide benefit claims and appeals, make findings of fact and construe and interpret the Plan and related documents and any rule it adopts. No one else can interpret the Plan, including Employers, the Union and their representatives.