Pension Plan Summary Plan Description

4.1 General Rules

Employer contributions are made to the Trust under a Collective Bargaining Agreement and Subscription Agreements. Contribution rates for each hour of your employment are set, from time to time, by the parties to the agreements. You may write to the Plan Office to ask whether a particular Employer is contributing to the Plan. Your Employer must make contributions for your work hours by the 15th day of the month following the month in which your work hours were performed. Your Employer forwards to the Plan Office a transmittal form which contains the names, social security numbers, and hours of work performed by each Employee together with a check made payable to the Trust. The Plan Office reviews the transmittal form for mathematical accuracy and notifies the Employer of any apparent errors. Employer payments are then sent to the custodial bank.

Your Employer must contribute only for hours of Covered Employment, which are hours worked in a job classification covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement or Subscription Agreement, for which contributions are required to be paid to the Plan. Covered Employment also includes time serving as a Plan trustee that results in the loss of work hours. Your Employer is not required to contribute, and you will not receive credit, for any other work hours you may perform. Subscription Agreement contribution rates are established by the Board.

You may obtain a list of Employers with their addresses and a copy of your applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement upon written request to the Plan Office. The Plan may require an advance payment for copying of $.25 per page to provide these documents. You may also review these documents in the IBEW Local 6 office, without charge, after making appropriate advance arrangements.

Employee contributions are not permitted under the Plan.