If you cease Prohibited Employment before attaining Normal Retirement Age, any Pension Credit you may have earned while working in Prohibited Employment will be added to your monthly pension payments when (and not before) you attain Normal Retirement Age. Resumption of your previously-elected Early Pension before Normal Retirement Age will reflect no benefit increases adopted after you first commenced your Early Pension. Any additional benefit you earn will be separately subject to the benefit election procedures of Section 8.5 independent of your benefits that previously entered pay status.
If you cease Prohibited Employment on or after attaining Normal Retirement Age, Pension Credit you may have earned while working in Prohibited Employment will be added to your monthly pension payments when you resume your pension. Resumption of your previously-elected Early Pension before Normal Retirement Age will reflect benefit increases adopted after you first commenced your Early Pension. Your pension that is resumed after Normal Retirement Age will be recalculated upon resumption initially by taking into account all Pension Credit earned at the benefit level that applies at the time of your resumption (subject to all service requirements for the applicable benefit level), but then reduced by the actuarial value of all benefits previously paid to you before your suspension. This actuarial reduction will be limited such that all benefits paid to you will equal at least your Accrued Benefit. Also, any additional Pension Credit earned during your suspension will be counted in your resumed pension only if that Pension Credit was earned in a 12-month period during which you earned at least 1,000 hours of Covered Employment.