Pension Plan Summary Plan Description

13.9 Recap of Circumstances That May Cause You to Lose Benefits

The following circumstances may cause you to lose some of all of your benefits earned under the Plan:

  1. You fail to vest (Article 6).
  2. You fail to comply with requests for information as requested by the Plan Office (Section 11.3).
  3. A Court issues a QDRO that assigns some or all of your pension benefits to an alternate payee (Section 13.6).
  4. You continue to work in the Electrical Industry that results in Prohibited Employment and a suspension of your monthly benefit (Article 11).
  5. You fail to provide timely and accurate information to verify your disability, age, beneficiary or other material information.
  6. You fail to inform the Plan Office of your current address and the Plan Office cannot locate you or your beneficiary.
  7. You die before your pension start date with no beneficiary.
  8. The plan terminates with insufficient assets to pay all Participants and beneficiaries fully.